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Entry G13: Weighted Degree Comparison

2 minute read

Like Entry G12 this is a redo of part of Entry G10. This entry addresses the weighted degrees. If you need a reminder as to what weighted relationships are s...

Entry G12: Degree Comparison

5 minute read

This is essentially a redo of the unweighted degree metrics from Entry G10. I ran the same metrics and queries from that entry, except I used the multigraph ...

Entry G10: Local Metrics

6 minute read

Now that I know what the larger graph looks like, I need metrics at the node level. The reason for these metrics is to be able to locate outlier nodes within...

Entry G9: Measuring Performance

4 minute read

As I may or may not have mentioned, the last time I tried running many of the calculations that I’ll be exploring in this series, I ran into timeout errors …...