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Entry 37a: Normal Equation

2 minute read

The Normal Equation generates the weights that are used in Linear Regression. It calculates the theta array directly without having to iterate through differ...

Entry 36: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)

6 minute read

Ordinary Leas Squares is usually the default method of Linear Regression and is the method used in the sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression function. On pag...

Entry 35: Regression

8 minute read

Regression is used to predict on continuous data, for example housing prices. Logistic Regression is the subcategory that is the exception, as it does classi...

Entry 34: Supervised Learning Datasets

less than 1 minute read

My anticipated fail from Entry 32 was correct, finding datasets and figuring out what kinds of patterns they have was a time suck. As such, “datasets” gets i...