Entry 14: Encoding Categorical Variables

3 minute read

The Problem

Most machine learning algorithms require features to be numeric. Per usual, decision trees/random forests are the exception (the algorithm is just more forgiving in general). Last time I played with R, categorical variables were allowed to remain categorical for decision trees/random forests.

My tool of choice, Scikit-Learn, doesn’t allow for categoricals. All features must be encoded as numeric values. The reasons for this have to do with the extensive amount of work needed to support categorical types.

The notebook where I did my code for this entry can be found on my github page in the Entry 14 notebook.

The Options

  • Scikit-Learn’s preprocessing module
    • Binarizer
    • LabelBinarizer
    • LabelEncoder
    • OneHotEncoder
    • OrdinalEncoder
    • label_binarize
  • Scikit-Learn’s feature_extractor module
    • DictVectorizer
    • FeatureHasher
  • category-encoders
    • Backward Difference Contrast
    • BaseN
    • Binary
    • Count
    • Hashing
    • Helmert Contrast
    • James-Stein Estimator
    • LeaveOneOut
    • M-estimator
    • Ordinal
    • One-Hot
    • Polynomial Contrast
    • Sum Contrast
    • Target Encoding
    • Weight of Evidence
  • pandas
    • .astype('category') method + .cat.codes method
    • .get_dummies()
    • .replace() method + dictionary mapper

The Proposed Solution

The category-encoders module appeals to me. Benefits include:

  • Fully compatible with Scikit-Learn’s transformers (it can be included in pipelines).
  • First-class support for pandas dataframes as an input (and optionally as output).
  • Can explicitly configure which columns in the data are encoded by name or index, or infer non-numeric columns regardless of input type.
  • Portability: train a transformer on data, pickle it, reuse it later and get the same thing out.
  • All methods are imported in one library.
  • Largest number of encoding options from the three module choices.
  • The BaseN option allows for multiple encoding methods which expands encoding to a tunable hyperparameter.
  • Syntax very similar, or almost exact, between different methods. This allows for quickly iterating through different encoding methods to determine what works best for the specific dataset.

Compared with Scikit-Learn where:

  • Each encoding method has to be individually imported by name from the preprocessing module.
  • No explicit configuration of which columns to encode (it assumes all columns passed to it are categorical).

The pandas options are rather limited - only three methods. I used the .astype() method way back in Entry 5. From that experience these methods of transformation seem to require more code than the other options.

The Fail


I had to resort to for loops to apply the pandas methods to multiple columns. For loops tend to be slow and performance would suffer if I had to use these on a large dataset.


I couldn’t figure out how to return the LabelBinarize results as a dataframe. I finally gave up because there’s an easier way to do it using the category-encoders package. Scikit-Learn tends to return things as arrays and the categorical encoding is no exception.

These methods also tend to assume you’ll be doing a single column or every column. In my experience, most datasets are a combination of numerical and categorical features. It seems like Scikit-Learn would have solved this issue in a more intuitive way.

Category Encoders

This option was surprisingly intuitive. It returns a dataframe as the result so I can continue doing transformations and easily see what I’m doing. The syntax is almost exactly the same from one method to another, so it would be easy to write a function to swap out the different methods and see what performs best on what kinds of datasets (which is in fact exactly what I did by the time I got to the Entry 15b notebook). It also has the most encoding options out of the three packages.

I suppose my only fail with this package is that I didn’t write a function to just swap out the different encoders. I could also count the last entry’s fail in that I don’t know what at least half of these encoders actually do. But that’s a problem for another series of entries.

Side note, this package imputes missing values by default. My example dataset didn’t include any missing values, but this is something to keep in mind for the future.

Up Next

Encoding categoricals - implementation
